Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Word Eater By Mary Amanto

"Worms are very sensitive creatures and right away, this little newborn sensed that he was different." excerpt from The Word Eater by Mary Amato.

I just read a very good book called, The Word Eater by Mary Amato. This book had me tied to my reading fort.

This book is about a sixth grade girl named Lerner. She is a new student and is having trouble making friends. Then one day, she finds a worm that eats words instead of dirt. He is Lerner's only friend. Lerner's life changes forever!  When Lerner's worm, Fib, eats words that thing vanishes from the world FOREVER!  

My favorite part of this book is the ending.  It didn't end the way I thought it would, instead the author whips it right into a surprising ending!  You'll have to read the book to find out what happens.

I loved this book.  I stayed up late trying to finish this book and I assure you that you will too!  I recommend this book for kids 7 years old and older.  I think you should read this book before Fib eats you.

P.S.  Mary Amato has written many other books including Invisible Lines and Please Write in This Book so look for them at your local library.  Check out Mary Amato's website at 

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