I just finished the second book of the series, Secret. ( FYI the book after The Name Of This Book Is A Secret.) The second book is called If Your Reading This It's Too Late it is also by the author Pseudonymous Bosch.
This book is about the same main characters, Cass and Max- Ernest. Now, I have to stop telling you everything in this book because if you haven't read the other book yet I can't tell you anything not even a little snip of information. Maybe, maybe, just a little bit of information; Cass and Max-Ernest are on a journey to find a homunculus! A homunculus is a little man made in a jar that is made from, let's just say dung. He or she acts like a human, but is really not. I mean for heaven sakes he or she is born in a jar of dung that is definately not human. This homunculus was created by a mysterious magician/mad scientest. The weird homunculus' name is Cabbage Face; you'll have to find out why. This is a mystery for Cass and Max-Ernest and of course the reader.
I recommend this book for mystery solvers. I also think readers 8 and up will love this book. Now, you have to go check it out or go buy it. Good luck finding it, it might be sold out or checked out because it is such a great book, so hurry and get it soon!
Do you think Cabbage face stinks. Afterall, he is made from dung!