Monday, December 19, 2011

Heaven is for Real

     A few weeks ago,  I read a book called, Heaven is for RealHeaven is for Real is written by Todd Burpo, a pastor from Nebraska.  Todd Burpo wrote this book because he and his family were hearing stories about heaven from his four year old son, Colton Burpo.

     Colton was telling stories of when he had surgery done on his stomach.  He said that he went up to heaven for three minutes and came back down to Earth. You're probably thinking three minutes isn't a very long time, but Colton says that he saw many things in those three minutes.

     I think what Todd Burpo really wanted to tell his readers is that Heaven is for real. I also think he was trying to let his readers feel touched by how extraordinary Colton's story is.

     My favorite part of this book was when Todd told about all the different things Colton had seen. I thought it was really touching when Colton said that his unborn sister was in Heaven and that she was excited to see him.

     I think you should read this book and feel the mercy put into it.


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